All posts by Mendy

Mad Mentsch

What if Mad Men was a Jewish agency? Ah, good question!
Watch all four episodes of Mad Mentsch: The story of North Jersey’s classiest Jewish ad agency.

Episode #1
Don Drayfus confides in Roger Silverman before pitching to another nonprofit client the Jewish version of “it gets better.”

Episode #2
“Sometimes a man needs more than one…”
Don Drayfus opens up to a close confidant in a rare confession.

Episode #3
Hmm… Cohen’s Lipstick… How would you market a lipstick for the Jewish clientele? Don and the Mad Mentsch struggle with the right angle.

Episode #4
Reb Cooper is nervous about taking on their first Goyishe client.
Don Drayfus pushes the partners to branch out.

Get a Get

It’s a big day in the Get community. The FBI raided a big ‘Get Gang’ and made a lot of arrests.
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A Get is a Jewish legal document that a husband supplies his wife to ‘free her’ to marry others. Some husbands can be a yutz and withhold the document putting his wife in no-mans-land (pun intended; her ‘locked’ state is called Aguna.)

To pay tribute to the Get Gang community we found three great YouTube clips:

Even Tony Soprano was in the Get Gang

Short Israeli Film: Der Mentsch

GET ANTHEM: This song by Black Eyed Peas hints that you “gotta get Get.” And if you can’t get a Get it recommends violence in it’s coded term of Boom Boom Pow
